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Clubs and Enrichment

Black History Month @ECSfG

     Jack Petchey @ ECSfG      

     2024/25 Recipients of Jack Petchey Award

Lara - Y9

Lara was voted by a number of her peers on account of her kindness and generosity of spirit. She was described by one as a ‘kind soul’ who ‘always helps you whether it is Maths or Science’.

Lara is really hard working but very kind and humble. She gives her time generously and is a valued member of the school community. Lara tries her best in all her subjects whilst also making time for others.

Lara wanted to do something sporty outside of school and so we are booking a climbing wall experience for two hours for her and some peers – particularly girls in year 9 who may be choosing PE at GCSE as climbing is one of the assessed components. This is planned to take place early in Spring term.

Glory - Y10

Glory was described by her peers as ‘always kind and helpful during lessons’ and ‘polite to everyone’. Glory is hardworking and a dedicated student. Glory was also instrumental in a large project to improve our Lower School library.  Glory petitioned SLT to re-open the library and lead a team of students in cataloguing and re-organising the entire reading stock. She gave her time generously during lunchtimes and was keen, kind and enthusiastic.

Glory wanted to use the money for library books for the Lower School library. I am also encouraging her to use some of the vouchers purchased to buy some books for a ‘reading corner’ for KS4.

Yasmine - Y10

Yasmine was described by peers as a ‘great student’, ‘kind, supportive and funny’.

Yasmine works really hard in school across all her subjects and she has given back lots to the school community; she has presented numerous assemblies on her role as an Army Cadet and raised awareness about Remembrance Day. She also had a large role in the Lower School library revamp working diligently to improve the space for other students. Yasmine is very thoughtful and giving and specifically wanted her award of dance lessons to benefit as many girls as possible.

Yasmine wanted to have a dance teacher come into school to deliver dance sessions. ‘Step into Dance’ is part of Jack Petchey and a dance teacher will be coming in and delivering after school sessions to year 9/10 students at the Lower School for 20 weeks.

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Please click here for more information about the inspiring work of the Jack Petchey Foundation.