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Y6 - 7 Transition


Year 6 welcome to our school postcardYear 6 welcome to our school postcard





Moving from Year 6 into Year 7 is an exciting process but it can also feel like an anxious time for students and their families. 

I would expect all of our Year 6 students coming to Enfield County School for Girls in September to feel the usual nerves: if you are feeling worried or anxious about moving to secondary school I would encourage you to talk to someone about it.

If you have any questions or worries about transition you can email your questions so we can help make the process easier for you. Our email address is

Please continue to revisit this page as we will post our Y6 information and documents here. We are excited to meet all of you in person in September.

Best wishes, Mrs O'Brien, Deputy Headteacher

To welcome our new Year 7s, and to ensure that their transition from primary to secondary is a successful one, we have developed our transition programme to help students feel supported and to facilitate as smooth a transition process as possible.

Primary School Visits

Our experienced team of staff visit primary schools during the summer term. This is a good opportunity to meet children in their own environment and offers Year 6 students the chance to ask questions they may have about starting secondary school. 

Induction Days

Our specially tailored Induction Days include team-building sessions, taster lessons and fun activities, providing pupils with an insight into student life at Enfield County School for Girls. Year 6 students will meet ECSfG teaching staff, spending the day with peers who will become future friends. Our current ECSfG Student Ambassadors are on hand throughout the day to offer guidance and advice. We will send a letter with specific details about the dates and timings of our Induction Days, which take place later in the summer term. 

Admissions Admin

We use Arbor as our school Management Information System, including for our Year 6 admissions process. By the end of the spring term, we will contact you about how to use Arbor to complete essential admissions information, such as any medical conditions and emergency contact details.

Transition Booklets

By the summer term, our Year 6 Transition Booklet is available to download from Arbor. Our Transition Booklet includes an overview of daily school life at ECSfG and answers a range of FAQs. In their Transition Booklet, pupils have the opportunity to complete 'All About Me' tasks, which allow students to explore any worries they may have about starting secondary school, as well as aspects of secondary school to feel excited about. 

SEND Students

We have a supplementary Year 6 Transition Booklet for our SEND students which helps alleviate concerns students may have, such as finding their way around a new school building, understanding the secondary school timetable, and how to find key staff members who are on hand to offer advice and support.

Our SENDCo, Ms McGinley, will contact families of SEND students directly with further information.  In the meantime, if you have any SEND queries, please do not hesitate to contact Ms McGinley on 020 8363 9934 or