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Student Leadership Anthology Project

Head Girls holding AnthologyMia and Akshaja, Head Girls 2024-25, have a prestigious legacy to mark their ECSfG Student Leadership by means of their whole-school writing competition, whereby students from across all year groups were invited to contribute stories and poems to our school Anthology. 

Alongside their editorial team, Mia and Akshaja shortlisted entries before winners from each year group were identified.

Illustrators were also invited to design images to accompany a literary piece of their choice.

Anthology Front CoverStudents' contributions have recently been amalgamated and published in our ECSfG Anthology, which draws inspiration from our 'Enfield County Magazines,' first published by ECS students in the early 1900s; more details can be found on our 'History of our School' timeline.

A year in the making, Mia and Akshaja should feel rightfully proud of their achievement, having managed their project in its entirety with dedication, editorial prowess and heart.

Congratulations to all our student contributors to the Anthology and our heartfelt thanks to Mia & Akshaja.

We've loved working with you!