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Child on Child Abuse/Bullying

Please click on the image below for the child-friendly version of our ECSfG anti-bullying policy. This version of our policy has been produced with our KS3 students in mind.

Our school policies can be found here.

Anti bullying policy image

Child on Child Abuse and Bullying

Child on child abuse is the term given to any form of abuse perpetrated by one young person towards another.

Child on child abuse includes, but is not limited to:

  • physical and sexual abuse
  • sexual harassment and violence
  • emotional harm
  • on and offline bullying
  • teenage relationship abuse

There have been a number of high profile campaigns and organisations raising awareness of sexual abuse and harassment of (mostly) girls by their peer group and many young people have shared their experiences and the resulting trauma they have suffered. The pain suffered by experiencing child on child abuse can be amplified by the fact that the abuse is carried out by peers and sometimes in a school setting where a young person should feel safe.

Bullying, whether it is physical or emotional, can also have a lasting impact and there is evidence to show the impact of bullying can cause lasting emotional harm that can hinder life chances.

Young people can also be abused by their peers online - this can take the form of bullying, name calling or creating fake profiles to shame or humiliate someone. Online abuse can seriously affect young people as it can leave victims feeling out of control and isolated.

At Enfield County School for Girls we are fully aware of our duty of care towards all our students and we will take seriously any allegation of child on child abuse suffered by any student. We will always inform parents and carers of any form of child on child abuse and we will inform our Safer School officer or the police where necessary.

Students in school are taught how to keep themselves safe, online harm and about healthy relationships and consent in Personal Development lessons and assemblies. We work with partner agencies, the MET police and other schools to ensure we have a rigorous approach to child on child abuse.

Please click here to report bullying at ECSfG