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Safeguarding and Support

Safeguarding at Enfield County School for Girls

At Enfield County School for Girls we take safeguarding very seriously and recognise that students have a right to be safe and free from harm. Safeguarding is embedded in our curriculum and all our staff recognise that they play an active role in protecting our students.

Our priority is to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We know that children thrive better and are able to reach their full potential when we all work closely together. Child Protection is a crucial part of school life. All staff receive regular training on how to keep children safe. Every member of the school community has a responsibility to keep all children safe.

Staff at Enfield County School for Girls have a statutory responsibility to share any concerns it may have about a child in need of protection with other agencies and in particular Children’s Social Care, Police or Health.

Where we have a safeguarding concern about a student we will act sensitively and promptly and in the best interest of the child and this may at times mean contacting an outside agency.  The school follows legislation that aims to act in the interests of the child.

Our priority is to work with parents/carers. You should always:

  • Feel confident to raise concerns about your child.
  • Talk to us if you need help or support.
  • Read the our policies about safety issues
  • Let the us know if your child has a medical condition
  • Let the school know if there is a change in your circumstances such as a house move, a new contact number, a change of name, a change of parental responsibility, emergency contacts
  • Let the school know if you have any court orders relating to the safety of your child

If you have any queries please contact our safeguarding team.

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms J Scott

Upper Site

Enfield County School for Girls,
Holly Walk,
Greater London,

Telephone: 020 8363 3030

Lower Site

Enfield County School for Girls,
Rosemary Avenue,
Greater London,

Telephone: 020 8363 9934

Please find our safeguarding policies here.

Please click on the image below for a list of important contacts that can offer support and guidance regarding child exploitation